Restitute Health™ and Spine™ were launched because of a glaring need to enhance naturopathic solutions to the normal spine health maintenance of active adults. We are a group of health care professionals who are committed to the treatment of spine health patients and have found that more often then not there is a huge gap between fundamental conservative treatment and modern medical care.
Restitute Health™ is a company devoted to intelligent solutions to improve holistic well being without the more complicated pharmaceutical and invasive medical care including injections and surgery. We encourage complete evaluation and medical expertise in managing major spine injury or illness, but encourage early prehabilitation and preventative oriented health in hopes of avoiding a major spine condition. We passionately believe in prevention, wellness, sustainable fitness, maintenance of movement, rest and recovery and believe in the optimization of naturopathic nutrition and body support.
We searched for an optimal formulation to increase flexibility, motion and recovery from physical activity in people looking to optimize their effort to prevent future spine health problems. Intelligent movement and fitness, rest, recovery, nutrition, wellness and non-pharmaceutical optimization will improve your performance as you age and this is our mission statement.